Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Surgery? What?

Kiddo's MRI results were ready today.

Totally surprised when we found out she has to have surgery.  I fully expected the MRI to have just been cursory to rule out stuff, not that something would be wrong.

Kiddo's anxiety is pretty high, needless to say.

When hubs called from the doctors office to tell me the news, kiddo was in the background yelling "Momma!! You have to get tomorrow off, I can't do this without you"

As if I wouldn't take the day off for my childs surgery.

She was so happy when I told her I was taking the whole day off and I'd be with her every step of the way.

She's seemed a little out of balance today and making me a nervous wreck, she can't put ANY pressure on her right foot at all now, not just semi-guiding herself and I've been right behind her freaking out and ready to catch her.  She thinks it's hilarious. I'm a wreck and ready for bed.

The biggest challenge though is the food issue.  As much as she struggles with food binging at night when she's stressed, she cannot eat anything after midnight and surgery is not until 11 am.

She's in the middle of a hefty meal size snack and we've promised to feed her before even leaving the hospital after surgery tomorrow and stressed how important following directions is on this.

She'll also be homebound for 8 weeks, no school in a school setting.  She'll be doing school at home.  Given her past triggers around schoolwork and homework, it'll be interesting to see how this goes.  I'm very hopeful though, that this is going to be very therapeutic.

All my friends are saying "I know you're really stressed" and I am stressed, but not to the degree that they seem to think I am.

I actually think this is a positive towards attachment.  She HAS to rely on us for everything, 24/7, even school stuff.

It'll be a challenge, but we'll be all healthier than ever as a family when we get thru this.

She gets to go back to school just in time to get out of school for the summer.  She'll have physical therapy later and a summer full of pool therapy in the back yard. So glad she'll be cast free by summer.

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