Sunday, March 8, 2015

Mommy, mommy!!

"mommy" "mommy" "mommy" "mommy" "mommy" "mommy" "mommy" "mommy"
me: "we're not doing this 15 times an hour today"
kiddo: "this is the last time"
me: "what do....." (interrupted)
kiddo: "for now anyway" (proceeds to make request)
I help her and then go back to what I was doing.
kiddo: "Mommy"
me: "didn't we just have this conversation?"
kiddo: "That was 3 minutes ago, mommy"
rotten!! just rotten!! milking this broken leg
and what's with the mommy today, like that's going to help, lol

okay, maybe she did get away with it, but I love her!!

and this is AFTER therapy Wednesday when her therapist challenged her not to call momma for every tiny thing.  Her therapist says she asks me for attention so much because of the lack of attention she got in previous homes and she's trying to test to see if I'm going to give up on her. Kiddo said we passed the test and the therapist said if we've passed the test, she can quit this.  

I told the therapist that yes, I do  give her so many passes a day on this because of bonding and it's an exercise to prove to her that we're going to take care of her needs.  
She thinks it's overdone, I think it's important.  If it takes her longer to realize we'll fill her needs, then we'll give her longer. If she calls me and it's for something she can do herself and should be doing herself, I tell her she gets two more calls for momma before bedtime, so use them wisely.

We do have boundaries, it's not like it's 24/7 of "momma, momma" with my waiting on her hand and foot or at her beck and call.  I do wait on her more now because of the leg and I remember the challenges of a broken leg, but that's not about spoiling, that's about filling a need. 

One day this little girl will be secure and know that we're here for her no matter what. Until then, even if it's "inconvenient", this momma will humor some of the weirdness.  

How do you set boundaries in your household? How do you show your child you'll always fill their needs and that this home is different? Ideas? 


  1. My girl calls Momma! all the time, too. Sometimes she's just being lazy, but I think it's a way of connecting for her and proving to herself I'll take care of her. Not much makes her smile bigger than when Hubster does something for her that she could do herself (he doesn't usually cater to her like I actually is one of the parenting things we fight about most - he thinks I do too much for her).

  2. My girl calls Momma! all the time, too. Sometimes she's just being lazy, but I think it's a way of connecting for her and proving to herself I'll take care of her. Not much makes her smile bigger than when Hubster does something for her that she could do herself (he doesn't usually cater to her like I actually is one of the parenting things we fight about most - he thinks I do too much for her).

  3. really ARE my twin!! I knew it!
