Saturday, September 27, 2014

Adoption Day

Adoption Day is in November just 11 days after "our" adoption day.

National Adoption Day, Our Adoption much in November.

We got an email yesterday asking if we were interested in participating in an adoption event this year on Adoption Day. I'm bouncing the walls at the idea of being selected.

While C's former case worker was upfront and said she has no idea how it works since she's requesting based on that area of the state and we live in this area of the state, she'd send in request for us to be one of the invited families.

It's an elite invitation, with 4 families from each region of the state invited to the Governors Mansion to celebrate Adoption Day there. Not sure of all the activities, but our whole family is just stoked at the idea of being able to have dinner or festivities or something AT THE MANSION.

How cool would this be?

Now, I'm almost wishing we hadn't made reservations for our adoption anniversary our of town because this is going to be twice in one month with a road trip and overnight trips.

So special.  Before we said okay, I talked to baby girl to make sure she wouldn't be too overwhelmed by the idea.  She's more concerned that we will not be selected, lol.....I think she likes the idea of dressing up and going to a mansion and being all that!!

Now, off to find me and kiddo a new dress suitable for the occassion.

Who cares if we don't know if we're going yet?

A girl and her dress.....oh, and new shoes!! That's a must!

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