Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Change is Hard

Yesterday, kiddo got upset right before I got home from work because she'd tried to raid the fridge the 4th time and I was going to be home for dinner just minutes later.

She went and sulked in her room, but didn't meltdown.  Tantrum, yes, meltdown, no.

I peeked in on her before dinner and asked her if she was okay and if she wanted to talk. She ignored me and I started finishing up getting dinner together.

Within 5 minutes she came out and yelled for me to come in there and IMMEDIATELY told me what was wrong.

I'm so proud of her for not letting it fester.

Her boyfriend is moving.  She got so upset when he told her he was moving that she ran off to class without asking where.

She let me hold her and let her cry.

Such progress.

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