Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We have a doctor appointment for the kiddo on Friday. It appears my child has developed migraines. It's in her birth family and her adoptive family and my poor kid has had headaches every month since she became a little lady.

We're on day 5 of headaches for her. I wasn't 100% sure it was migraines this time with all the drama, however, a trip to her therapist confirmed it's more likely migraines that just the middle school drama, although the drama can't be helping the situation.

I sure hope that her doctor does a better job with her than my past doctors have done with me.

Kiddo called from school twice this week. Once I answered and gave the okay for the school nurse to give her something for it. The second time, I wasn't near the phone and they didn't bother calling any other numbers and sent her back to class with nothing and kiddo said she thought they thought she was faking.

I remember the same thing in 6th grade and the doctor provided a note for my teacher for bathroom breaks and tylenol because after leaving class so many times the teacher also thought I was faking.

I feel for my poor baby.

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