Sunday, March 31, 2013

a year of firsts

Each holiday brings another first.....finding out traditions from her past, merged with our own traditions. More love, more fun, more learning about one another.

She loved the thought the Easter bunny put into what's in her basket, wasn't amused that he doesn't hide eggs with money in it.  Guess we should discuss more things before holidays, lol

The caterpillar on top is the one from Mario that she wanted for her birthday in June. She also got a building Yoshi.

We went to church this morning and I finally got her to agree to a different church with a pastor, music and people I liked pre her.  We got there and the crowd freaked her out, so we went back to the little country church near us and she was happy.

Crowds and noise are tough on her. Daddy/daughter dinner on the way home from therapy last week was going to be Panera, but it was busier than normal so they had a change of plans.

At church, she originally requested going to the little church because she didn't want to walk in the rain. I almost reacted and said that was silly, but I pulled over, we talked and I found out it was the crowd that stressed her. Fortunately I noticed the stress before getting out of the car. I explained its OK to say she's stressed and why so we can help instead of finding an excuse that we may not respond to, thinking she's silly if we don't pick up on the stress.

I do adore this child. How lucky we are.

Friday, March 8, 2013

5 stars

woot woot!!

The baby's social worker came for a visit last week. It all went well and then she asked for permission to speak with the kiddo privately.  Kiddo showed off her room and they talked a few minutes.  When the social worker came back out, babygirl stayed in her room playing.

SW told us we got 5 stars and that the baby is happy to be here!!

I got excited, then I wondered if that was 5 out of a possible 5. lol

The way my mind works.....

Happy as a Family

The kiddo turned me to mush this morning, and it got interrupted by my laughter.

Babygirl said to me "Bonkers and I talked last night a long time about how much we love being a part of this family".  (Bonkers is the cat)

About the time I'm almost mush, she finishes it off with "We were arguing though about which one of us loves Arlo the most".  (Arlo is the dog)

So, yeah, good thing we have pets.  That makes her happy as a family.