Thursday, April 14, 2016

School Update

well, the verdict is in and a plan is in place

It's been decided by all that kiddo is definitely smart, probably smarter than average, truth be told.

The conflict was whether the issue was laziness or trauma.

The school and us had 3 meetings and community resources at the school were involved in one.  It was decided to treat it as trauma, not laziness.

We suspect she is triggered in class and shutting down. She has issues with this from time to time and we do know this part for sure.  What wasn't for sure was whether this is what was preventing her from doing assignments.

There is a person assigned to kiddo to help.  She will be getting with kiddo discreetly between classes from time to time to check assignments and organization.

But the best part, is kiddo has been provided a color coded card. She's to put it on her desk so teachers know when she's likely to be triggered so they can ensure she hears instructions. She also has a card code for "I need to get out for a few minutes and get regulated".

It'll be interesting to see how this goes on.

Also, if this works well, the plan will automatically transition to high school with her. There will be nothing required on our part to get this done.

1 comment:

  1. I hate the laziness card. I think there's almost always more at play. Glad you got them to see it. Princess has similar provisions. It is still too much letting someone in and drawing attention to herself for her, but hopefully she'll use them eventually.
